In the months to come I will be introducing you to a few new faces; their opinions of who they are, and the new directions in life which they are pursuing. These people had inspirational moments; accepted their dreams as possibilities, and are now walking with lighter steps because of the profound choices they made in their lives. No they have not millions of dollars in their pockets, yet I've never seen such big, beautiful, bountiful smiles in quite awhile.
Now let me see where did they say they were going to be today, or was it next week I'm supposed to interview and photograph them and their works? Hmmmmm These new Earth Shifts are still present because my mind seems to be up-side-down once again. (Emptying an overstuffed file draw of unnecessary clutter comes to me.)
Friday, October 23, 2009
"It is a year of Simple Reminders."
"It is a year of Beauty and Grace."
"It is a year to let go of shadows as we become awake to ourselves and to walk our Path knowing all is well." by PEARL
We become too complex in our struggle to awaken to our Truths and, in doing so, lost ever more to who and what we are.
Simplify your world. Let go of the material responsibilities where ever possible, and allow for inner growth the emergence once again.
Deny yourself of no ones kindness, nor doubt the sincerity of loving hearts which reach out to you, for in this we not only let of of our feelings of self worthlessness, but begin to open our hearts/minds and spirits to new and overwhelming gifts within the compassionate hearts.
Rejoice today as it is the only day you have. Love lots; laugh even longer, and know through letting go of unnecessary things/thoughts and misconceptions in our lives, you will become free to open up new avenues.
Beginning is a gift only you can experience so what are you waiting for? The invitation has always been there, you simply have to give yourself permission to make it so.
"It is a year of Beauty and Grace."
"It is a year to let go of shadows as we become awake to ourselves and to walk our Path knowing all is well." by PEARL
We become too complex in our struggle to awaken to our Truths and, in doing so, lost ever more to who and what we are.
Simplify your world. Let go of the material responsibilities where ever possible, and allow for inner growth the emergence once again.
Deny yourself of no ones kindness, nor doubt the sincerity of loving hearts which reach out to you, for in this we not only let of of our feelings of self worthlessness, but begin to open our hearts/minds and spirits to new and overwhelming gifts within the compassionate hearts.
Rejoice today as it is the only day you have. Love lots; laugh even longer, and know through letting go of unnecessary things/thoughts and misconceptions in our lives, you will become free to open up new avenues.
Beginning is a gift only you can experience so what are you waiting for? The invitation has always been there, you simply have to give yourself permission to make it so.
Yet another mystery unfolds in my life of Beauty and Grace and I can only sit back and say, "I never saw That coming"!
For many years I have cultivated the thoughts that it would be grand if I could enter into an accredited school of learning and teach what I know is my truth to those of like-mindedness, like-heartedness, and even those who are beyond skeptical of the subject matter. It is not to say this a new concept, nor that such subject matters have not already entered the academic world, yet not until recently did I believe I would be one of the forerunners to connect with a school body and share openly in this type of structure.
As of yesterday I shall walk through the doors of an established community college next year and in a structured class setting begin helping others to remember some very wonderful gifts which these students have long forgotten. The first shall be "Remembering How To Communicate With Animals". It is not to say I am the first to actively work in this field, (check on line under Animal Communicators), yet there are a limited accredited institutions which offer classes to learn the steps to proficiently utilize this practice. I have in years past assisted individuals, as a Spiritual Life Coach, to unlock these doors within themselves and begin communicating with many many wonderful creatures in the natural world. (Dogs, cats, elephants, flys(!), and all manor or God's great creations.)
Yes an organic apple for the teacher would be nice while giving a dog a bone will be practiced over and over again until the two-legged students say: "I HEARD SUCH AND SUCH FROM THEM!". It IS the normal, we just forgot.
and the next subject? I have many many up my sleeves.
For many years I have cultivated the thoughts that it would be grand if I could enter into an accredited school of learning and teach what I know is my truth to those of like-mindedness, like-heartedness, and even those who are beyond skeptical of the subject matter. It is not to say this a new concept, nor that such subject matters have not already entered the academic world, yet not until recently did I believe I would be one of the forerunners to connect with a school body and share openly in this type of structure.
As of yesterday I shall walk through the doors of an established community college next year and in a structured class setting begin helping others to remember some very wonderful gifts which these students have long forgotten. The first shall be "Remembering How To Communicate With Animals". It is not to say I am the first to actively work in this field, (check on line under Animal Communicators), yet there are a limited accredited institutions which offer classes to learn the steps to proficiently utilize this practice. I have in years past assisted individuals, as a Spiritual Life Coach, to unlock these doors within themselves and begin communicating with many many wonderful creatures in the natural world. (Dogs, cats, elephants, flys(!), and all manor or God's great creations.)
Yes an organic apple for the teacher would be nice while giving a dog a bone will be practiced over and over again until the two-legged students say: "I HEARD SUCH AND SUCH FROM THEM!". It IS the normal, we just forgot.
and the next subject? I have many many up my sleeves.
It is in the moments after a major activity we begin to understand more of what our actions were and what lessons, new or old, they have brought to us. The Sacred Sweat Lodge which I took responsibility for on September 19th to celebrate the Fall Equinox was yet another experience in "Don't expect, just go with the flow", and the knowledge shall come.
As a dear Brother-of-the-Light drummed throughout the lodge ceremony, there was an emergence of energies coming up from Mother Earth more bright, light in nature, and extremely forgiving. I sensed this was HER way of acknowledging the sincere respect in which the participants, most all of whom where first timers, were extending to ALL that had come to be with us. Each individual, while becoming more comfortable within the lodge, let go of the feelings of question and doubts and truly began to feel with their hearts, releasing old wounds, misnomers, and misconceptions within their body/mind existence. For some who shared their experiences, their hearts were flung wide open and Spirit gifted them with an awakening into new dimensions within themselves. Of course this is not unheard of, yet the depth and magnitude in which the acceleration process of understanding was beyond joyous, making me ever aware of why I love the Sweat Lodge and how courageous those who attend are.
In reflection, this was the longest lodge I've orchestrated both as fire tender and water pour er, approximately 6 hours. There was much ground covered in each of the four rounds with great internal intensity by each of the participants. And most importantly, the Spirit World acknowledged each and every one of them accord to their own personal expectation(s), if any were extended.
A compassionate heart creates miracles no matter where or how it is utilized. With every splash of the water, with every opening of the door, and with every prayer extended until the vessels were emptied we were held in the Fall Equinox Celebration gathered all that was needed to assist us through the months when Grandmother White Hair shall greet, meet, and hold us spell bound in Her days of Beauty. I walked away knowing each individual in this lodge was yet another gift given to me to behold as the sacred souls that they are and for this I Give Thanks.
And To All My Relations, AHO
As a dear Brother-of-the-Light drummed throughout the lodge ceremony, there was an emergence of energies coming up from Mother Earth more bright, light in nature, and extremely forgiving. I sensed this was HER way of acknowledging the sincere respect in which the participants, most all of whom where first timers, were extending to ALL that had come to be with us. Each individual, while becoming more comfortable within the lodge, let go of the feelings of question and doubts and truly began to feel with their hearts, releasing old wounds, misnomers, and misconceptions within their body/mind existence. For some who shared their experiences, their hearts were flung wide open and Spirit gifted them with an awakening into new dimensions within themselves. Of course this is not unheard of, yet the depth and magnitude in which the acceleration process of understanding was beyond joyous, making me ever aware of why I love the Sweat Lodge and how courageous those who attend are.
In reflection, this was the longest lodge I've orchestrated both as fire tender and water pour er, approximately 6 hours. There was much ground covered in each of the four rounds with great internal intensity by each of the participants. And most importantly, the Spirit World acknowledged each and every one of them accord to their own personal expectation(s), if any were extended.
A compassionate heart creates miracles no matter where or how it is utilized. With every splash of the water, with every opening of the door, and with every prayer extended until the vessels were emptied we were held in the Fall Equinox Celebration gathered all that was needed to assist us through the months when Grandmother White Hair shall greet, meet, and hold us spell bound in Her days of Beauty. I walked away knowing each individual in this lodge was yet another gift given to me to behold as the sacred souls that they are and for this I Give Thanks.
And To All My Relations, AHO
Monday, August 17, 2009
As I continue to BIRTH these beautiful drawings, (each so unique to another), I become even more clear as to the power of these divine and loving BE-ings. I know not how they shall appear, nor why they choose to come in the order in which they do. It is through LISTENING that I "HEAR" we are all restructuring into our new robes and these Divine Ones have come to assist with our new DNA processing/restructuring.
I am always in awe at the birthing of yet another magnificent BE-ing; for their understanding our needs surpasses all logical comprehension as we have know it in previous times. The illusion that we can create dignity within a peaceful structure by ourselves is no longer valid. We do need help and now they begin to appear in many different shapes/sizes and forms. (Have you checked out the clouds lately to perhaps glimpse the creative BE-ings there? or read about the appearance of the Holy Mother in various locations around the World?) I for one believe our prayers for so many many centuries has been heard and that we are in the process of restructuring and evolving, as is our Mother Earth, with guided assistance from these ancestors.
I shall continue to birth these drawings until the last has arrived and post them accordingly for I AM in sacred service and with joyous abundance do they appear.
(see previous posting on the "DNA Drawings" for a more detailed explanation of their service)
I am always in awe at the birthing of yet another magnificent BE-ing; for their understanding our needs surpasses all logical comprehension as we have know it in previous times. The illusion that we can create dignity within a peaceful structure by ourselves is no longer valid. We do need help and now they begin to appear in many different shapes/sizes and forms. (Have you checked out the clouds lately to perhaps glimpse the creative BE-ings there? or read about the appearance of the Holy Mother in various locations around the World?) I for one believe our prayers for so many many centuries has been heard and that we are in the process of restructuring and evolving, as is our Mother Earth, with guided assistance from these ancestors.
I shall continue to birth these drawings until the last has arrived and post them accordingly for I AM in sacred service and with joyous abundance do they appear.
(see previous posting on the "DNA Drawings" for a more detailed explanation of their service)

I say, "WELCOME", I AM PEARL, and I shall humbly provide a sacred space within the sweat lodge for all who attend. Please come and KNOW you shall receive the blessings in this most ancient of ceremonies as we purify our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits together.
And I give Thanks as I AM in deepest gratitude.

So it is I extend my deepest heart-felt gratitude to all who participated and gave so much of themselves. You are strong enough; have enough courage, and Blessed for assisting in maintaining the Sacred Hoop so it may remain whole. AHO
Saturday, June 13, 2009

This post was just emailed to me regarding the Sacred Fires Uniting around the World.
I shall be sitting at a Sacred Fire somewheres and knowingly enter the call to unite with All my relations!!
"The fulfillment of an ancient prophecy that comes just when the world needs it most.
The Sacred Fires return to Greenland-July 17-19, 2009. (see:"
FYI: July 21, 2009: Total Solar Eclipse 7:35pm PDT/New Moon in cancer 7:35pm PDT
Ha Martha, how's that new Solar Grid Holding UP!!!!!!

Click on picture for full-size image.

As is always the case I seem to be the last one to "GET IT", so to speak. Case in point is the path which I am now embarking upon. Story goes: Once upon a time I attended "The Return of the Ancestors Gathering" in the Sedona, AZ area after just returning from a business trip. It was the final day of the Gathering and the Ashes from the Sacred Fires were offered to anyone who might want some. I was drawn to this Sacred Fire area where ceremony had taken place over the course of many days and drew from it a generous amount to share with others, as is the custom I was taught as an apprenticing Sweat Lodge keeper/Fire Walking participant years ago.
Two days later I talked with a dear "Sister-of-the-Lodge" in the White Mountain area of NH and she indicated it was time, (she heard), to rebuild her lodge and begin opening sacred ceremony to the 'commUNITY' once again. (Note: Two days prior to this my Beloved and I made reservations to travel back to NE.) As the conversation between us ensued, it became obvious I was to be a part of this divine project and to assist her in the first Sweat Lodges (A 'commUNITY' lodge and a Sacred Woman's Lodge) Out of my mouth pops the information: "I have ashes from a very sacred gathering and would be honored if you'd allow me to do ceremony and incorporate these ashes with your Lodge Fire Ashes". She than proceeds to tell me a special Mayan Medicine Man from Peru is going to do two Ash Ceremonies in her Grow Dome prior to my arrival and these ashes can be added as well! (Oh my I feel a great flood of tingling coming on.)
All seemed to come together as if this had just been waiting in the ozone for us. Land prepped; Lodge Sisters numbering in 4 came together; sweat lodge built; pipe ceremony, ash ceremony, and two sweat lodges orchestrated within a three-day period and, as a bonus, I was able to spend invaluable time with new and old acquaintances.
Now to add to the pot: We heard from a wonder Sister-of-the-Heart in New Mexico prior to my departure to NE. She requested a Sweat Lodge be placed on her land by myself and my Lodge Sister from NH. No, this woman did not know I was on my way the NE prior to our telephone conversation. (see Sweat Lodge announcement above) Upon my return to AZ I performed another Ash Ceremony at the beginning of a Full Moon Ceremony and, bingo, this gal discussed with me the building of a sweat lodge on her land perhaps in October.
Hence, a dream of mine is manifesting whereby I shall create Sacred Space for Sacred People using my many years of training and perform that which my Heart-of-Hearts does beat to: The Sweat Lodge; building Medicine Wheels; doing Pipe Ceremony; Attuning Land thru Sacred Symbols; providing Healing Services as a Spiritual Life Coach, and keeping an ever open heart to that which I am requested to do while being able to make a living to sustain our simple life style. Truly, I Am Blessed

"RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS GATHERING", April 18-28, 2009. The Northern, AZ area was host to some of the most sacred Indigenous elders from around the world, believed to foe full a part of Mayan philosophy and the prophesied "Condor meets Eagle" . (see The heart of the gathering was the fourth re-union of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americans, incorporating prophesied ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity. I was blessed to have attended the closing ceremonies and felt the overwhelming feelings of peace and deep gratitude for each of these elder and future wisdom keepers for giving of their time; patience; prayers; wisdom; and so much more. Not once did I NOT have my questions answered by those I approached, AND they intermingled with any and all about them to share as much as they could before they departed for their respective communities around the world.
I believe with all my heart that we, as a family upon this great Mother Earth, have brought about a tremendous change and can continue to do so thru opening our homes; hearts, sharing of services and monies to such cause as this. To the institutes/foundations/councils, etc. which sponsor these gatherings I tip my hat and hope all reading this posting might take a moment to log onto one of the websites which published experts from the "Return of the Ancestors Gathering", April 18-28, 2009, and read some of the beautiful wisdom shared. It was a great undertaking bringing many resources together for the purpose of helping us to remember, "WE ARE ALL ONE TRIBE" In Deepest Gratitude am I humbled once again.

Over the past years I've always been blessed with various ones from precious people, yet there is ALWAYS another room or circumstances where I need just one more!
Therefore, as it's never too early to begin acquiring fun gifts for those special people in our lives, pre-shopping will insure we get just exactly what we're looking for before their sold out or, is often the case, the kitty runs dry. A few suggestions, which not only bring great joy and amusement to me are as follows :
WE'MOON '10 by Mother Tongue Ink:
Tibetan Project: 2010 Calendar:
ocotillo concepts (photography, graphic design):
Check these sites out when and as you can for each supports their own cause in the continued path of awakening and give back to the community so much more.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Beloved Grandmothers, as you have emerged, the voices of the Nations cry out to hear you; to share your grace and see your beauty. We give thanks to each of you for your courage, love and devotion to self and one another."
I had the honor and privilege to meet these beautiful, strong, and committed women in Sedona, AZ at an open meeting orchestrated by Ringing Rocks Foundation in 2008. As I spoke to a few of the Grandmothers, I felt a sense of oneness from each heart and the willingness these woman had to hear each attendant. Neither rushed nor hurried, their interactions amongst each of us was met with gratitude and heart-felt blessings.
The prophecies of their coming together is now upon us and we give thanks and extend blessings for their continued safe passage wherever they should be.

My blog site is for all and I hope to showcase/expose you to some very unique people; places, and events as I can.
Here is a gal, Val Dockter, with a vision whom I met last year. Val has raised, (and is now training), this most wonderful sled dog team solely by herself on a meager income and works her "CREW" whenever possible with other mushers. (It is said you can hear her laughing daily while out and about on her make-shift sled during the off season.)
Her vision is to create a snow dog team that will be able to supply foods and other goods of comfort to people in remote areas who become snowbound in the winter months. Also to expose young and old persons to this fine art of man and his/her faithful companions in a symbiotic relationship. To work with children (some perhaps with special needs), to create a sense of responsibility and pride while cultivating their dreams and aspire to all they can be with hands-on training or guidance utilizing her "Beloved Crew" when and as possible.
To cultivate a sense of commUNITY (common unity) within the communities where she shows, races, and orchestrate these teachings.
This gal Val has a dream; a vision; a quest, and by gollie she's making it happen! I, for one, stand up and applaud this most courageous woman. GO GET'EM VAL......
P.S. and to the wonderful man who has supplied her with the furs to wear and keep others warm while in the sled, we are truly humbled and send our deepest heart-felt blessings. AHO
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Like puzzles in a book, when the viewer sees an image the mind automatically wants to create or justify what it's seeing so there can be logic and identifiable meaning to what is before it. Sometimes this just isn't possible as the image truly is an illusion meant to draw the viewer deep within the mind-heart for it's greater understanding. Such is the picture herewith.
Can you say "SUPEREROGATION"? This is how I define the TRUTH herein displayed. What other words might one conjure to find understanding and illuminate the within place? Hmmmmm..... Walk, don't walk; Fly, don't fly; BE AND BELIEVE. Perplexing isn't it? or is it? You decide.

These are NOT ordinary drawings made randomly to satisfy my child-like self, yet rather very precise figures transmutable with the fine lines of color and movement. Each picture has been made to specifically call to an individual.
Each will assist in unlocking and re-aligning internal energies while restructuring the DNA to a more accurate point within the original blueprint which we each individually carry. The GIFTS which each medicinal drawing brings to their care-taker will be unique to each peson as no two people need or will access the same internal data. Rather an experience so soft and subtle by the medicinal drawings to assist each in their own primordal unfolding.
I maintain the integrity of each drawing by allowing the movement of colors and forms to manifest as I have been so guided. Perhaps the medicinal drawing will stay with you for your remaining physical years. Perhaps after an interval of time you will simply pass it on to someone who shows interest. Whatever the case, I am honored and greatly appreciative that I have been allowed this medicinal drawing to be with me in it's own birth-ing process and getting these medicinal drawings off to a beautiful start.
As I AM in service, so are these and we give thanks to you for further evolvement unfolds.
(Limited Prints may be purchased for $75U.S.DLRS each. E-mail for further print viewings)
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Greetings and Salutations Dearest Ones. I wanted to share abit of Sedone, AZ with you and to perhaps give you abit of the Divine Experience expressed to me the majority of the times I go hiking through out this Beautiful and Blessed landscape I call home. As I walk, listening and enjoying the profound beauty in the natural world, I inevitably am SHOWN these most wonderful Heartstones which magically appear. Sometimes they fit in the palm of my hand; sometimes, such as these, are the size of plates or larger, and sometimes they appear as an image impregnated into the larger rocks themselves. No matter when, where, or how I stumble upon them they always fill my heart with joy and I feel the abundance of both our Beloved Earth Mother and Sky Father. If I were to pick every Heartstone up I'd have to move to quite a large spread, yet for now I choose wisely those who want to come with me, vs those who just want to assure me I'm on the right path. So today I choose to share these lovely Heartstones with you on this blessed Full-Moon day and send each and everyone of you a Heartfilled Prayer for Love, Light and Divine Peace.
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