Sunday, January 1, 2012


Dear Lord hear my prayers for my beloved blood brother who's mind has been taken; who's soul walks aimlessly, and who's temple folds upon him as he moves trying to find a moment of Peace and Grace. Watch over him as he speaks to those with unkind hearts and forgive him for he knows not what he does. Embrace him, Lord, and let him know how deeply he is loved so that perhaps, as you did listen to me in my most darkest hours, he will also hear your words and the knowing of your presence will permeate his whole BE-ING once again. In deepest gratitude do I thank you Lord for once again hearing my prayers. Happy New Years Bill! May you walk in beauty once again and know only the kindest ways and prayers await you for you are very loved.


Channelled Message 01-01-2012 a.m.

"Come Children, let us drink a cup of cheer; let us bath in the love Mother/Father God desires for you. Allow yourselves forgiveness as you walk into a new dawn. Do all which loving hearts choose in the Name of Truth. Peace is a gift now offered. Lye down your swords as Hope ensures. Allow Holy Wells to fill your cups and immortal souls to walk and comfort your every needs. Salah! It IS a new world filled with the Holy Spirit. Go now Breath well Know your well kept today and Always!" end.....