Greetings and Salutations Dearest Ones. I wanted to share abit of Sedone, AZ with you and to perhaps give you abit of the Divine Experience expressed to me the majority of the times I go hiking through out this Beautiful and Blessed landscape I call home. As I walk, listening and enjoying the profound beauty in the natural world, I inevitably am SHOWN these most wonderful Heartstones which magically appear. Sometimes they fit in the palm of my hand; sometimes, such as these, are the size of plates or larger, and sometimes they appear as an image impregnated into the larger rocks themselves. No matter when, where, or how I stumble upon them they always fill my heart with joy and I feel the abundance of both our Beloved Earth Mother and Sky Father. If I were to pick every Heartstone up I'd have to move to quite a large spread, yet for now I choose wisely those who want to come with me, vs those who just want to assure me I'm on the right path. So today I choose to share these lovely Heartstones with you on this blessed Full-Moon day and send each and everyone of you a Heartfilled Prayer for Love, Light and Divine Peace.