These are NOT ordinary drawings made randomly to satisfy my child-like self, yet rather very precise figures transmutable with the fine lines of color and movement. Each picture has been made to specifically call to an individual.
Each will assist in unlocking and re-aligning internal energies while restructuring the DNA to a more accurate point within the original blueprint which we each individually carry. The GIFTS which each medicinal drawing brings to their care-taker will be unique to each peson as no two people need or will access the same internal data. Rather an experience so soft and subtle by the medicinal drawings to assist each in their own primordal unfolding.
I maintain the integrity of each drawing by allowing the movement of colors and forms to manifest as I have been so guided. Perhaps the medicinal drawing will stay with you for your remaining physical years. Perhaps after an interval of time you will simply pass it on to someone who shows interest. Whatever the case, I am honored and greatly appreciative that I have been allowed this medicinal drawing to be with me in it's own birth-ing process and getting these medicinal drawings off to a beautiful start.
As I AM in service, so are these and we give thanks to you for further evolvement unfolds.
(Limited Prints may be purchased for $75U.S.DLRS each. E-mail for further print viewings)