Saturday, June 13, 2009


This post was just emailed to me regarding the Sacred Fires Uniting around the World.

I shall be sitting at a Sacred Fire somewheres and knowingly enter the call to unite with All my relations!!

"The fulfillment of an ancient prophecy that comes just when the world needs it most.
The Sacred Fires return to Greenland-July 17-19, 2009. (see:"

FYI: July 21, 2009: Total Solar Eclipse 7:35pm PDT/New Moon in cancer 7:35pm PDT

Ha Martha, how's that new Solar Grid Holding UP!!!!!!


A new Sweat Lodge in Ojo Caliente, NN on the Sacred Land called: FINCA de CORAZON, (owned and operated by Laurian Lucretia). Two open Sweat Lodges will be offerred. Please come as we Love meeting new and old acquaintances. Future lodges will be posted as soon as we have established these dates. September 22nd, 2009 for sure!

Click on picture for full-size image.


Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder. And we GIVE THANKS.


As is always the case I seem to be the last one to "GET IT", so to speak. Case in point is the path which I am now embarking upon. Story goes: Once upon a time I attended "The Return of the Ancestors Gathering" in the Sedona, AZ area after just returning from a business trip. It was the final day of the Gathering and the Ashes from the Sacred Fires were offered to anyone who might want some. I was drawn to this Sacred Fire area where ceremony had taken place over the course of many days and drew from it a generous amount to share with others, as is the custom I was taught as an apprenticing Sweat Lodge keeper/Fire Walking participant years ago.
Two days later I talked with a dear "Sister-of-the-Lodge" in the White Mountain area of NH and she indicated it was time, (she heard), to rebuild her lodge and begin opening sacred ceremony to the 'commUNITY' once again. (Note: Two days prior to this my Beloved and I made reservations to travel back to NE.) As the conversation between us ensued, it became obvious I was to be a part of this divine project and to assist her in the first Sweat Lodges (A 'commUNITY' lodge and a Sacred Woman's Lodge) Out of my mouth pops the information: "I have ashes from a very sacred gathering and would be honored if you'd allow me to do ceremony and incorporate these ashes with your Lodge Fire Ashes". She than proceeds to tell me a special Mayan Medicine Man from Peru is going to do two Ash Ceremonies in her Grow Dome prior to my arrival and these ashes can be added as well! (Oh my I feel a great flood of tingling coming on.)

All seemed to come together as if this had just been waiting in the ozone for us. Land prepped; Lodge Sisters numbering in 4 came together; sweat lodge built; pipe ceremony, ash ceremony, and two sweat lodges orchestrated within a three-day period and, as a bonus, I was able to spend invaluable time with new and old acquaintances.

Now to add to the pot: We heard from a wonder Sister-of-the-Heart in New Mexico prior to my departure to NE. She requested a Sweat Lodge be placed on her land by myself and my Lodge Sister from NH. No, this woman did not know I was on my way the NE prior to our telephone conversation. (see Sweat Lodge announcement above) Upon my return to AZ I performed another Ash Ceremony at the beginning of a Full Moon Ceremony and, bingo, this gal discussed with me the building of a sweat lodge on her land perhaps in October.

Hence, a dream of mine is manifesting whereby I shall create Sacred Space for Sacred People using my many years of training and perform that which my Heart-of-Hearts does beat to: The Sweat Lodge; building Medicine Wheels; doing Pipe Ceremony; Attuning Land thru Sacred Symbols; providing Healing Services as a Spiritual Life Coach, and keeping an ever open heart to that which I am requested to do while being able to make a living to sustain our simple life style. Truly, I Am Blessed


"RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS GATHERING", April 18-28, 2009. The Northern, AZ area was host to some of the most sacred Indigenous elders from around the world, believed to foe full a part of Mayan philosophy and the prophesied "Condor meets Eagle" . (see The heart of the gathering was the fourth re-union of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americans, incorporating prophesied ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity. I was blessed to have attended the closing ceremonies and felt the overwhelming feelings of peace and deep gratitude for each of these elder and future wisdom keepers for giving of their time; patience; prayers; wisdom; and so much more. Not once did I NOT have my questions answered by those I approached, AND they intermingled with any and all about them to share as much as they could before they departed for their respective communities around the world.

I believe with all my heart that we, as a family upon this great Mother Earth, have brought about a tremendous change and can continue to do so thru opening our homes; hearts, sharing of services and monies to such cause as this. To the institutes/foundations/councils, etc. which sponsor these gatherings I tip my hat and hope all reading this posting might take a moment to log onto one of the websites which published experts from the "Return of the Ancestors Gathering", April 18-28, 2009, and read some of the beautiful wisdom shared. It was a great undertaking bringing many resources together for the purpose of helping us to remember, "WE ARE ALL ONE TRIBE" In Deepest Gratitude am I humbled once again.


As is the case every year, the question arises, "Which calendar/notebook should I get for the upcoming year?"

Over the past years I've always been blessed with various ones from precious people, yet there is ALWAYS another room or circumstances where I need just one more!

Therefore, as it's never too early to begin acquiring fun gifts for those special people in our lives, pre-shopping will insure we get just exactly what we're looking for before their sold out or, is often the case, the kitty runs dry. A few suggestions, which not only bring great joy and amusement to me are as follows :

WE'MOON '10 by Mother Tongue Ink:

Tibetan Project: 2010 Calendar:

ocotillo concepts (photography, graphic design):

Check these sites out when and as you can for each supports their own cause in the continued path of awakening and give back to the community so much more.