Yet another mystery unfolds in my life of Beauty and Grace and I can only sit back and say, "I never saw That coming"!
For many years I have cultivated the thoughts that it would be grand if I could enter into an accredited school of learning and teach what I know is my truth to those of like-mindedness, like-heartedness, and even those who are beyond skeptical of the subject matter. It is not to say this a new concept, nor that such subject matters have not already entered the academic world, yet not until recently did I believe I would be one of the forerunners to connect with a school body and share openly in this type of structure.
As of yesterday I shall walk through the doors of an established community college next year and in a structured class setting begin helping others to remember some very wonderful gifts which these students have long forgotten. The first shall be "Remembering How To Communicate With Animals". It is not to say I am the first to actively work in this field, (check on line under Animal Communicators), yet there are a limited accredited institutions which offer classes to learn the steps to proficiently utilize this practice. I have in years past assisted individuals, as a Spiritual Life Coach, to unlock these doors within themselves and begin communicating with many many wonderful creatures in the natural world. (Dogs, cats, elephants, flys(!), and all manor or God's great creations.)
Yes an organic apple for the teacher would be nice while giving a dog a bone will be practiced over and over again until the two-legged students say: "I HEARD SUCH AND SUCH FROM THEM!". It IS the normal, we just forgot.
and the next subject? I have many many up my sleeves.